Letter to the students from Dr. Bahar Akingüç Günver, Chairman of the board of trustees, and Prof. Dr. Erhan güzel, Rector

Dear Students, Distinguished Families,

The COVID-19 process, which has turned into a great struggle in terms of health, economy and social dynamics, has also triggered radical changes in all areas of life.
First of all, we congratulate our students who fulfill their educational responsibilities with a maturity and endurance beyond their ages despite the restrictions that started with the reality of a pandemic. We would like to thank you, our dear families, for your sensitivity, understanding and solidarity during this time.

A Message from Our Chaırman of the Board of Trustees Bahar Akıngüç Günver and Rector Prof. Dr. Erhan Güzel to Our 2019-2020 Graduates

Our Dear Graduates,

Our 2020 graduation ceremony did not happen as we planned and imagined because of the conditions brought by the pandemic. At this point, we share your feelings deeply.