Dear Student and Honorable Family,

The whole world is going through a difficult period. We all worry about the health of ourselves and our family, and experience how difficult it is to remain psychologically resilient. In this process, the first priority…

Dear Kültür Family, 

March 11, 2020, where the pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization, created a global breaking point in all areas of life. As of March 13, 2020, COVID-19 was now our exam as country.

Ülkemizdeki Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı (Covid-19) kaynaklı salgından korunmak ve salgının yayılımını önlemek için alınan tedbirler kapsamında Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığınca yürütülen Diploma / Kayıp Diploma teslim işlemleri geçici olarak durdurulmuştur. Mezun öğrencilerimiz