March 18, 10:06 am

Coronavirus is a large group of RNA viruses that are common among animals. in rare cases, they can be transmitted from animals ta humans. 
Coronaviruses circulating among animals can evolve over time and gain the ability ta infect humans, thereby causing illness. However, these viruses pose a threat ta humans after they gain the ability ta be transmitted from person ta person. 
The new Coronavirus '2019-nCoV' is a virus that was first identified on 29 December 2019 in Wuhan, China, in people who visited a live animal market and gained the ability ta be transmitted from person ta person.

1 . What are the symptoms?
The disease is characterized by high fever (39 degrees), cough and shortness of breath that develops suddenly after an incubation period of 2-14 days. Some patients have alsa had sore throat and nasal flow. The disease generally shows a moderate ta severe clinical course. The majority of people who are seriously ill and die are older people (> 65y), people with underlying diseases
(lung diseases, organ failure, cancer, diabetes, immunosuppressive diseases). The disease is relatively mild in young healthy adults.
The 2019-nCoV infection tends ta be more severe and life-threatening in elderly patients ar people with underlying chronic heart disease, lung disease, chronic kidney and liver disease, as in seasonal flu.

2. How is the disease transmitted?
it is now proven that the disease is transmitted from person ta person. The new Coronavirus is thought ta be transmitted by respiratory secretions like other Coronaviruses. Respiratory droplets of infected people containing virus through coughing, sneezing, laughing and speaking spreads ta the environment and contact the respiratory tract of healthy people and causes them ta get sick. There must be a close contact (closer than 1 meter) far the disease ta be transmitted from person ta person in this way. 
However, within the framework of current information, although it is accepted that 2019-nCoV is not likely ta spread from inanimate surfaces in outdoor conditions by hand after contact with hands, it is alsa possible ta infect people. Hands should be washed ar cleaned with alcohol-based hand disinfectants after touching live ar inanimate surfaces, and should not be touched on the face, mouth ar nose. Alsa, inanimate surfaces should be regularly cleaned.

3. How can the disease be avoided?
There is na vaccine yet ta prevent the disease. Far this reason, the most effective method of protection far now is ta avoid contact with the virus (sick people). in the winter, when a large number of respiratory infections 
(flu, cold viruses, ete.) are circulating among people, it is very important ta be careful about cleaning hands and not touching the eyes, mouth and nose with unclean hands in order ta protect not only from 
2019-nCoV but alsa from all other respiratory viruses.

The World Health Organization recommends the following ta protect from viruses;
• Avoiding close contact with infected people,
• Frequently washing hands, avoiding ta touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands, especially after direct contact with sick people ar their surroundings,
• Disinfection of surfaces touched by infected people,
• Avoiding unprotected contact with farm ar wild animals,
• lf you are infected, keeping the distance; covering the mouth and nose with disposable tissue paper while coughing, sneezing; washing hands frequently and resting at home avoiding crowded places.

4. Is there a cure lor the disease?
There are na antiviral drugs that have been shown ta be effective far coronaviruses today. Antiviral drugs used in the treatment of other viral infections have alsa been tried in the treatment of Coronovirus infections, but na effective result has been achieved. 
The symptoms of the disease often disappear by themselves. Fever and/or cough can be relevied by adjusting the room humidity in living areas and taking warm shower. in addition, consuming lots of fluids, resting and bed rest will be beneficial far treatment. When necessary, doctors can provide treatments ta reduce complaints and support disrupted organ functions, if any. 
lf the symptoms begin ta progress worse than the standard cold, you must consult a health center by telephone.

5. What should those who come from abroad do?
Passengers coming from abroad, especially thosefrom China where the disease is seen, should inform a healthcare institution by telephone in case of a change in their health status, high fever, cough and respiratory distress within 14 days. Even if such people do not have any complaints, it is important ta wear a mask when they go ta aut far 14 days. *

For Source and Detailed lnformation:
Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health,

Health, Culture and Sports Department Contact: 0(212) 498 4141 / 4761

Last Update Date: Wed, 18/03/2020 - 13:16